TSoT - Katja Millay

“Nothing else matters. If I had a penny right now I'd wish that were true; I want to believe it more than I've ever wanted to believe anything.”

TFIOS - John Green

“Some people don't understand the promises they're making when they make them," I said.

"Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway.”


TFIOS - John Green

“I'm in love with you," he said quietly.

"Augustus," I said.

"I am," he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. "I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.”

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our StarsThe Fault in Our Stars by John Green

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If I could only give this a thousand and million of stars, why not for this great book. :)


I just can't explain my feelings for this book, if I am going to describe all of this, it's going to be all the synonyms of awesomeness. I am speechless. I am in love with this book.

Truly amazing.
Page Turner.
Full of surprises.

New fictional crush: Augustus Waters. :">

Thanks awesome John Green! Your books are so great, just like you! :)

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EasyEasy by Tammara Webber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an Easy read. As Easy as it'll get you in through the story.

4.5 stars for this book. I don't know what to say. I just can't get out of my mind thinking about this book. It was told beautifully and creatively. It'll teach you a lot of things, especially for girls about self-defence, love, and true friendship.

I thought, this will about Easy - falling in love with a guy you barely know. But it isn't, it has a way of surprising you that the title of this book is not what you really think of.

Jacqueline. J. Ms. Wallace. You pissed me at times, especially when you didn't tell them about that Buck issue. When I though you will let him on your room. Uggghhh. But I love you, because you didn't hold back the pain you felt with Kennedy. You did the things that you need to do to achieve your dreams and defend yourself. You're just so strong.

I love Lucas. His secrets that he kept. The way he defended Jacqueline, all throughout the story. The way he made her feel safe everytime. He was so hardworking, responsible, and YUMMY. Haha. He's just an almost-perfect boyfriend for most of the girls. But I hate it when he didn't trust Jacqueline in her secrets, but there's a reason. And that reason is J will be the one to found out.

Landon.. Oh. I didn't realise he's Lucas until they sent more of their emails. He's so intelligent, talented, unlike Lucas - at first. But those things proves that we can't always judge anything on the outside.

The Jacqueline and Erin friendship was awesome. I loved it. Erin didn't even tried to ditch J, even though she's not that famous on their school. I love how Erin defended her from Chaze, because of Buck. She chose friendship before boyfriend.

Benji was also a fun character. I like him that he's gay and he was the one who told J about Lucas as the tutor. He was just a happy person - for me. :)

Kennedy, isn't a perfect boyfriend, but a formal boyfriend. I hate how he always debates. and flirts. Yes.

So, cheers to Tammara Webber for this awesome book. Thanks for sharing your imagination with us. *hugs*

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Rak Chazak


My care group. I'm so happy that I'm a part of this group. I'm so blessed to have them, because God gave them to me as my sisters and we give light to each and every member. I'm so proud being a member of this care group. I love you guys so much! :)

Let's continue to grow in God's Grace. and let's continue to praise, worship, and Glorify Him through our fellowship! :)

It's been months..

It's been 6 months since he left. It's been months since I talked to him. It's been two months, since he has his girlfriend. and still haven't moved on? What the hell is wrong with me? :(

I've been stalking his facebook profile, like every once a week, and I HATE IT. I can't control meself either. :( This is just making me sad. And I really hate it. :(

Our Little Christmas Tree

Finally, after many years, we built our Christmas Tree again. I just love the feeling of having this at home. I'm excited for the Christmas Season. Happy Birthday, Jesus Christ :)

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and good future." - Jeremiah 29:11

God will always give us the best and what we deserve, in His perfect timing. Just HOPE, TRUST, and have FAITH on the Lord. 'Cause He will never disappoint you with His FAITHFULNESS and UNFAILING LOVE :)

Kindle or Kobo? Which is which?

So yeah. I want an ebook reader, 'cause I'm broke. I really love to have printed words than reading on an ebook reader. But sometimes, I don't really have the money to buy the books I want. So here are the things that goes into my mind, which is which..

Kindle 5th Generation
This Kindle 5th Generation, is the cheapest of all the Kindle ebook readers. This really caught my eye the first time I saw this. And I'm really planning on buying this. But it doesn't support epub files, which most of my ebooks are in that format.. I found lots of resellers of Kindle, and lots of customers are satisfied with this product.

Kobo Touch
Kobo touch. But Kobo mini was the one that caught my eye, since it's smaller than the Kindle 5th Gen (it's cute!). I think Kobo touch is better, and it also does support epub files (like Kobo Mini). I also love the back covers (free) for every purchase of this. But this isn't that "famous" for ebook reading, so I guess. I still don't know.

So I'm still wondering, what to buy...

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire,Jack Frost nipping on your nose,Yuletide carols being sung by a choir,And folks dressed up like Eskimos.
Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe,Help to make the season bright.Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow,Will find it hard to sleep tonight.
They know that Santa's on his way;He's loaded lots of toys and many goodies on his sleigh.And every mother's child is gonna spy,To see if reindeer really know how to fly.
And so I'm offering this simple phrase,To kids from one to ninety-two,Although its been said many times, many ways,Merry Christmas to you
And so I'm offering this simple phrase,To kids from one to ninety-two,Although its been said many times, many ways,Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas to you..

Tambourine Dancer

Tambourine dancer, I never thought I would be doing this. I know I'm just starting, and I'm happy God made me do this. I'm kinda freaking out on the cons of joining this, but it's not for me, it's for God. I'm happy to dance for the Lord, and not for everybody.

Worshipping Him through dancing is one of the things I want to do for the Lord, to make Him smile and Glory.

I thank the Lord for this opportunity, and I pray to Him, that I may have His strength whilst having my training, practising, and the actual dancing.

To God be the Glory. :)

To be Honest

To Be HonestTo Be Honest by P.J. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: The copy of this book (in ebook format) was given to me free of charge in exchange for an honest review.

This book, is just so sweet. You can gain knowledge whilst reading this book that you can apply in your daily life. I love this, because it has a touch of "french words" that I love to learn. :)

I didn't intend to read To Be Honest because I'm not familiar with it, to be honest. To be honest, I was bewildered because the copy of the book was given to me for free (imagine, I didn't need to pay for this.), as I read the synopsis of the book, it seemed interesting so I gave it a go.

To Be Honest by Polly J. Young, is a light, fun, sweet, and short read. This is about, family, friends, love, and other relationships that you will encounter through your entire high school life. It keeps confusing me at times, but as I go on through the story, it is worth the confusion.

I just love Lisi, that she idolises Miss Mint, but Miss Mint was actually like her who tells lies most of the time. She has her flaws, but still she can carry it and just have fun. To be honest, I love them both, even though at times they have fights because of lying, they still managed to get through with the situation and get back in their real lives.

Lisi's friends, was so adorable, especially Josh, who has a lot of responsibilities and problems but still he was able cope up with those. He's just so lovable. :")

But I was left hanging in the end, because I have no idea what happened to the characters. Yeah really, I want to know what happened to all of them. (will this have a sequel?)

To be honest, I just had a hang-over from this book, because I keep using "To be honest" here. haha. :)

I recommend this to all who loves to read short novels and a light and fun read. :

To Be Honest, Merci P.J. Young

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WanderloveWanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"Wanderlove: each other"

I was caught by the beauty of it's cover. and the title WANDERLOVE, made me wonder.

The moment I started reading this, I felt excitement, because wandering/travelling is what I love most - to do in the future. Whilst the word Wanderlove hasn't coming out yet, I thought it should be Wanderlust. But as I got through the story, I understood its meaning.

Every page, every chapter has it's own surprises. The book made me laugh, confused, giddy, pissed, and excited. Especially Rowan and Bria's crazy adventures, the way they pissed each other, the descriptions of the people living in the suburbs, and most especially their different kind of love story. The plot of this is just so awesome, that I want to go there at the very moment I'm reading it. I've never read a book that has the same kind of story, this just felt so real and my imagination's getting bigger and bigger as I went through.

I love the way it was told differently , I especially love the way that there are drawings in it. Oh, those drawings amazed me, like I have to tell my sister "Hey, look at this, there's a drawing." and I found my self smiling every time I'm going to see a drawing. :)

This book has taught me something, Never let the pain hold you back. It applies to me at this current phase of my life, and I'm happy I picked this book to read, because it has made me realise a lot of things and I can relate to it (except the fact that I found another love).

i hope to find my wanderlove in the future. This made me love travelling more.

thank you Kirsten Hubbard for letting me wander in your imagination through the work you've done. :)

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The Sea of Tranquility

The Sea of TranquilityThe Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"Your garage." were the last words of this book. And it gave me SUNSHINE

BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN. I WILL GIVE THIS MILLION OF STARS IF I COULD. *CRIES* I'm in love with the story. Seriously, yes. and with JOSH. :"")

The book I can't put down (even if it's an ebook). Didn't feel that it's already dawn and I need to sleep. My eyes hurt, but no, I won't put it down. The book that left me hanging in the end. WHY? 58 chapters, but I NEED MORE. I WANT MORE. //3

But I really LOVE, SUPER LOVE this book, but I can't explain it in words, I just LOVE it. This is just too AWESOME. BREATH TAKING. BEAUTIFUL. And It left me speechless in the end. Oh I wish it would be longer, I want to know what happened to Nastya, I mean Emilia and Josh. Drew and Tierney. *cries*

I just can't hide my love for this book, I don't want to finish this yet, and as I'm about to reach the end, I feel sad and happy at the same time, sad because it's going to end, HAPPY because I've read the MOST AMAZING book ever. *cries*

As you eventually goes throughout the story, you'll be pissed, you'll get giddy and in-love, you'll cry and laugh, and it'll put you back into whole as you read the story. This book will definitely teach you and lets you realise something, something that you can apply in your life and share to others.

This story will always be a part of me, and I'll always remember reading this book (and I will read this book all over again..)

Thank you so much KATJA MILLAY for this wonderful work that you've done. (Can I just hug you, please?) :')

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I'm back. :)

After a year, I'm back. I just felt blogging again. Writing and writing, 'cause lots of thoughts are filling up my mind. So yeah, I'm here again. Lots of things to update this blog, and hopefully I can continue writing in this.

Have a nice day. :)
